Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An update. (I saved this just a short time before the inevitable happened- isn't God funny?:)

Don't worry, I'm still going to recap this summer, as well as the first month of our lives together. I know, you're breathless to hear it.

SO, we are holding off on getting engaged. Mike says he really needs to talk to my dad in person before he can ask me. I really respect that. The honesty and integrity of that man is one of the things I love about him the most. And everyone here is waiting. :)

What else? We are looking at buying a car because I have been driving the van my parents loaned me, and they are looking at trading it in. We aren't sure if we can just make do with one until we're married. Ok, Lord, what are you calling us to?

We are starting the process of buying the house. This is going to be one of the hardest things God has asked us to do yet. Emotionally, we are not looking forward to it. But, we do really feel like that is what He is asking us to do. So we are going to start moving his stuff into it right after we get back from Thanksgiving. Before then, we need to repaint the master bedroom and recarpet both bedrooms. After that is the master bathroom- and then the rest of the house! We are keeping it on the market until it sells, but we are going to make it ours until then. We are praying that someone will walk in and be blessed by it. We want it to be a perfect God-fit, just like us.

We have Thanksgiving coming up, which we are spending at my parents, then splitting Christmas between both families.

School is on the downward slant, which we are both thankful for. I am going to take off next semester and finish up in the fall. With life on the move, I need to focus on other things at the momment.

We feel like we are in between assignments with ministries right now. Nothing quite seems to fit, and we are praying for direction.

That's about all, update you guys soon!


You've all been waiting!

November 14th, 2009, Mike Dombrowski knocked my socks off.

Just four days short of our seven month anniversary, I began the morning by making a huge, delicious breakfast for Mike. He had mentioned the night before how he might have to go into work the next day. I was really bummed. We only get so many hours a week to be together, and I didn't know when I would have another Saturday off. But work is work, and so I sent him off with a kiss, and headed over to the house to do some prayer/dancing/singing/cleaning. I was there for a couple of hours, and then headed back to my house.

I enjoyed some pamper time since Mike said he wouldn't be back before I had to go to girl's night. Tiff had called for one a week and a half before this- and I was THRILLED. I had immediately said yes, and was still excited to hang out with an all female company, although I was less excited since I didn't get to spend time with my boyfriend. But I got dressed, choosing the cute shoes instead of the comfy ones (of course). Tiffany had texted me to see if I wanted to ride with her, but I told her I was already going to be in town. Good thing I took the car.

We had just gotten our first snow of the year, barely a few inches, but it had stuck to the ground around the sidewalks. It was fairly chilly as I drove to Starbucks and parked in the same spot I had parked in on our first date. I walked down past the shops, barely two minutes late, and entered the shop. Everyone else was already there, sitting in a circle on the couch by the stairs, an empty spot on the end of the couch. I slid in, thankful for time with my girls. We chatted for about fifteen minutes. I had asked if we were going to dinner, and Tiffany had said that we would decide when we got there, so I hadn't eaten and I was starving. I was just enjoying the chatter, as Tiffany got up, walked over, and knelt to get something out from behind the couch. She brought out two purple irises and an envelope. My heart skipped a beat as I wondered what was going on.

"Well, youngin', you aren't allowed to stay here anymore. We're kicking you out." and she handed me the flowers.

Oh my gosh, this is happening right now.

"But I wanted to hang out with you guys!" They are all laughing, totally tickled with themselves for being in on the secret. "I didn't wear the cute underwear!" I had almost worn them too. "Well he's not going to see them, so who cares?!" "I care! I forgot to brush my teeth!" "He won't notice!" "But I wanted to hang out with you guys!" "Yeah, right!" "I'm going to walk SO slow! Make him sweat it out!" "Don't do that!" "I have to pee!" They are all dying of laughter.

"You are going to bawl!" "No one called to tell me to wear the waterproof mascara!?" "You don't think that may have given it away?!"

There was no way I was going to cry. I was too excited.

The letter reads:


Here our relationship began. What a wonderfully unexpected evening filled with your good company. Who could have guessed that Starbucks served more than coffee and pastries? What I found here in this place was not great coffee or a tasty cheese Danish, but a captivating young woman hungry for God that overflows with life. Sarah, you are an amazing woman of God that is filled with His spirit. Our meaningful relationship speaks to my heart.

The Iris represents faith, wisdom, valor, and meaningful relationship.

Your next destination, "Yes way Josie's""

I am floored. He was having me follow our first date. After stopping off at the bathroom, I sat and prayed with these wonderful women who had gathered to assist in what would be a landmark in my life. They are such a blessing in my life.

I decided to walk. The chill in the air was nothing compared to the warm glow in my heart. I couldn't quite believe that this wonderful man really wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. I looked up at the stars as I casually walked down the quiet streets. I prayed most of the way, just thanking God for how gracious and generous He had been to me. I sang our song as I crossed "our" intersection, where I had surprised him this summer. I reached No Way Jose's in what seemed like no time, enjoying and savoring each step. This would be over be for I knew it, and I would never get it back- I was going to enjoy it!

I looked through the window of the Mexican restaurant as I opened the door. What I saw next surprised me and made complete sense at the same time. My sisters. He had brought my sisters down to enjoy this time, this night, this incredible experience with me. Nothing could have been more perfect.

I was surprisingly calm as I hugged them. "We thought you'd be crying!" "I can't, I'm too excited!" They handed me an envelope and purple stock flowers.


"Yes Way Josie's" has some great Mexican food. Wouldn't you agree? Interestingly enough, the food is not what I remember when I think back to our first night out on the town. If you would think back to that evening, lively conversation and colorful feelings came out that night. I got a glimpse of a heart that feels the world we live in. Sarah, you see the worlds and the beauty that God has placed in it.

When you spoke that evening, I saw beauty too. This beauty is contained within you and maintains a commanding presence where ever you might travel.

Sweetheart, you are beautiful to me. Your beauty, both inside and out, commands my attention. When your heart speaks and you look at me with those eyes, I am overwhelmed in a good way. It is at those times that I know your beauty is by His design and it will last for eternity.

I give you this Stock flower as it represents how you will always be beautiful to me.

So, tell me... how does it feel to be a "10"?

Your next destination, P.O. Box 3074."

Can this man write or what?

We headed out. Rachel and Danielle were shocked I hadn't drove. "No wonder it took you so long!" "We are going to freeze!"

It didn't take us long to reach the post office, and by this point I'm expecting people to pop out at any moment. I approached our p.o. box with some anticipation. A ring box and a sunflower greeted me. I looked at my sisters. "What did he think I would think? He'd leave the ring here with the two of you, and he's off, what, having a beer with Dustin, or what?" They're laughing. "Just open it!" Just then some guy walked in behind me, and since I'm expecting people to pop out anytime, I look at him like he's somebody, and he just opens his box, pulls out his mail and leaves. We have a great picture of me going, "Who's that guy?!" I opened the ring box, which contained another note. (You're enjoying this, right? I know I am!)

"My love,

Special Delivery!!!!

You are not going to get away that easy!

This sunflower represents a quality that you display to me every day, devotion. Each day we meet, you tend to my needs, ask me about my day, and offer a hug to help ensure that "perma-grin" stays in place. Such devotion is not common in today's world and even less so by those in relationships. This one truth is readily apparent to me; you will make a wonderful mother and wife.

Speaking of devotion, your next destination is the River Church."

By this point, I am overcome with passion for this man. This wonderful, God-given man. I can't believe what all he is doing for me. We headed back down Main Street to the van, with a quick stop at Starbucks to visit the bathroom again (Hey, this time it wasn't me!). The women all introduced themselves to my sisters, since I was completely blank on names at the time. We headed out across town, which, thinking back, wasn't the best plan for me to be driving, because I have no idea how fast I was going. I also was stopping where there weren't stop signs and not stopping where there were stop signs. Oh well. Mike had asked Rachel and Danielle to record me telling our love story, because it is one of our favorite things to tell each other. Just a hint to any of you who want to put the passion back into your relationship: Tell your spouse your love story. It's the best thing you can do for each other.

We managed to reach the church without getting pulled over (Thank you Jesus), and there on the front window sill was a daisy and a note. Each time I am disappointed Mike isn't standing there, but I also am enjoying the intrigue. This one is addressed to "Princess". Sarah means "Princess", and poor Mike, how well he knows it! Earlier in life, I used to abuse the title, then it was a label of shame, because I didn't deserve such an honor. But the Lover of my soul has shown me how special I am to Him, and how He didn't make a mistake giving me such a status in life. "Our weaknesses are usually our strengths out of focus", Sharon Cox said one time. How true that is. If you are seeking who you truly are, and who our Creator made you to be, ask Him to reveal it to you. That is not a secret He would like to keep!


Did you ever guess that you would find yourself at the church on this fine rainy Saturday evening?

Something I learned about you that first night was that you are a special woman with special convictions. The Gerber Daisy symbolizes gentleness. The words you spoke that evening were words of gentleness. They were heart warming and encouraging. I never thought I would find a woman with such a special heart. You are truly one of a kind. Certainly the one of a kind I can live with for the rest of my life.

You are not done yet. Remember the bench we sat on that first night?"

We had ended that first night on a bench down the street from Starbucks, not content to say goodnight just yet, but exhausted, and for me, blistered. That was the place I had first seen the righteous spirit within Mike, and had listened intently to his passionate heart. A heart that sounded an awful lot like my Savior's. We headed back across town; again, without getting pulled over, not a small miracle. I parked this time in front of Cold Stone Creamery, which I found out later had been his grand master hiding spot for the evening. I rounded Starbucks for the fourth time that night.

And saw him.

Standing in front of our bench in his new jeans and navy striped shirt under his leather jacket, and looking, well, breathtakingly handsome. He saw me and his face lit up. We both could hardly contain ourselves. In sharp contrast to the gushing tears I thought I'd have rolling down my cheeks, I was smiling so big they hurt instead. How did we get here? How was I so lucky as to have this man standing there, waiting to ask for my hand? My boots confidently found themselves down the pavement as I breathed in this magical moment. All I could think was, "I love this man."

I reached him, after what seemed like an eternity.

If you want to hear what he said, you'll have to ask me. Yes, I am that mean. And it was that good.

I said yes. After what seemed like an eternity to him. :)

We kissed. Our journey was just beginning. And what a perfect beginning it was.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Six months!

I'm taking a break in our retrospective story to tell you that on October 18th, 2009, we had our six month anniversary. What a wonderful weekend. God is really challenging us. "Do you really want what it is you say you want? How much are you willing to give up to get what I have to give to you? Do you really want my best, or are you going to keep the status quo? Do you want more than that? Do you want excellence? Do you want extraordinary?" The answer, dear friends, is yes, but that doesn't make it any easier. Trials and temptations rear their ugly heads constantly, and we are not immune to their pull.

Jesus, give us strength.

Don't let us be complacent, but teach us to be content with where you have us.

The great thing is, we talk about everything. Finances, missunderstandings, how we are going to face challenges in our faith, with our kids, in every area of life- all of those things that come between couples and become destructive to relationship, we talk about. Marriage is the most powerful earthly relationship, and the forces working against every aspect of it are overwhelming and relentless. The best thing you can do for your other half is to take them to the foot of the cross, into the very throne room of the Almighty, and place them at His feet.

As I write this, I am listening to my Wedding Playlist, glancing at the new bridal magazines on the counter next to me, and have another tab pulled up on my browser with reception hall ideas.

It's coming, don't worry. For reasons that we don't understand and are completely frustrating, we wait. We are so ready, dear friends. I am so ready. To give my life, my past, my future, my whole being, every part, to this wonderful man of God- I can not wait. He is God's best for me.

Lord, I trust You in all things, and I know You have a plan for us. One that we cannot even fathom. You are abundantly good, perfect in all things. I thank you for holding us in Your hands, and directing our steps. We don't want to take one step without You. Thank You for this amazing man who takes my breath away. You are too wonderful for words. Love you, Jesus.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

We are all here of our own free will...

So, pretty early on, we had a night where we went for a walk on the river trail. It was after youth group, and they had done ice cream at Baskin Robins, so I met him there. We left my car in the parking lot and took his down to the north side of town. We were talking, walking behind the highschool, when Mike tried to steer me away from the sprinklers that were encroaching upon the side walk. I stopped, staring up the hill at them. "That looks fun." I ran directly up the hill through the freezing water. Mike watched me, shaking his head at my crazy. "Aren't you coming in?" "No thanks, I'm good." He he he. Yeah. I stuck my hands into the spray, sending the stream of icy water straight at him. Bullseye. He cried out, and immediately ran up the hill at me. I started running, which was comical, because I was in crocs, and he was in sketchers. We are both running, just trying to stay upright in the slippery grass. He scoops me up and swings me around, me laugh/screaming the whole time. He was laughing; "Someone is going to call the cops if I keep screaming like this," I laughed. We walked on, across bridges and under the trees. Across town, there was a second sprinkler incedent. Well, after the first one, it was FAR too tempting to pass up. I tried to push him in, and, although he wanted to play, hesitated. "I don't want to piss you off." "You won't." Mike didn't need to be told twice. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and used me as a human body shield as he ran through the spray. He put me down right as a cop drove by. We were laughing, "That'd be good, 'Really, Officer, I'm not kidnapping her!'" "'Yes I'm armed, but everything's ok!'" "'Um, so, Hi Mr. Dombrowski, Mike needs to be picked up at the jail. So, how are you?'" We laughed and talked, walked and shared. And I began to freeze my butt off. We got back to the car, and drove back to the Baskin Robins parking lot to pick up my car. However, when we got there, we were having such a great time talking, that we sat there for over an hour. I watched a cop drive past, turn in, and park behind us. Uh oh. We DID bond over how we have terrible luck with cops. Sure enough, he walked up and knocked on the window. Of all the cars he could have been checking on... He picks the one discussing how, if we won a million dollars, we would pay our parent's mortages and start a huge missionary fund. The cop asks how we are, what we're doing, if we've seen any thing going on around us. We said we're fine, that we're just talking, and that it's been pretty quiet. He shines his light in the back of the car, and Mike asks if he can help him in any way. The guy says no, but still isn't leaving. Not even realizing it, I am curled into a ball on the seat. I was still soaking wet, and Mike's leather seats were not helping, so I had, without realizing it, curled into the fetal position. The cop, just as if he was talking about the weather, very nochalant, asks
"And we're all here of our own free will?"
Mike let me answer. "Yes."
"And we can all leave when we want?"
I fielded that one too. "Yes."
He asked where my car was, and I pointed to the spot next to us.
"Ok, have a good night then." "You too, officer."

We are laughing so hard. Literally of all the cars that needed to be checked on that night, he found the least necesary, and the one most accidentally suspicious. It was hilarious. So when we planned the wedding, we had to include it.

"We are gathered here today, of our own free will..."
Thanks Mark.
And thank you too, Officer. You both made our wedding day memorable.

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's a funny thing...

I was hooked.


After that, we saw each other everyday, at least once. I went with him to Sommer's birthday party, our first "outing". :)

It was funny, we had all of these mutual friends, or at least accuantances, but had never met. We walked in the Randol's house- and met the gauntlet. It was frightening and hilarious at the same time. I walked down the line, "Hi, I'm Sarah. Hi, I'm Sarah. Hi, I'm Sarah." No one beat me, threatened me, or hassled me past that- but they were all watching. Jen told me later, "It was a good thing you didn't look out the window at the house- we were all pressed up against the window: "Who is that? Who's with him?"" It was great.

Now, for those of you who were not around during this period of time, you should know: We've moved fast. Going to work everyday, I met a semi-circle of girls going, "What happened today!?!?" I was the store soap opera. Which was fine with me, because there was always something to say, and an excellent chance to share with these girls about a real, true, wonderful man. Most of them have not had great dads, let alone met with guys who are honorable, and been treated honorably. At this point, we were just hanging out, even if it was every day. Again, when I take my life into my own hands, it quickly becomes a pile of ashes. So I chose, every day, to give it back to God. His way, was the only way I wanted to be walking in, and the only way this was going to work. I met more and more of his friends, and he met some of mine.

As I type this, I'm trying to figure out what to say next. He's sitting across the room, trying to recall what else we did during that time. It is all one big happy blur. Not much sleep, and plenty of being "twitterpaitted", as Big Jim would say.

Oh, here we go. I met his sister Amber the weekend after Sommer's birthday. What a doll. He introduced us, and I put my stuff down on one of the church chairs as we talked. He immediately- "Well, aren't you going to sit with us?" Um, yeah, so, I had been trying to keep us on the down low. Not because I was ashamed or anything like that, but you know how churches are. One careless look across the room, and suddenly you are married with three kids and a dog. Word travels fast. Were we ready to be the new "Ben and Kelly"? ;) But I figured if he didn't mind, then neither did I. We went out to lunch with Amber and just chatted. Mike said three words the whole time. I had so much fun. Not because he didn't talk, because Amber is great. Anyway, the next weekend after that I met his parents. That's a fun story.

So we were at church, and in the middle of second service, I dribbled cranberry juice down the front of my white top. Before I had to get back on stage and sing. After church we stopped at my house to change, and went to the intro to kickball season BBQ. As we sat eating hotdogs, I leaned across the table to help Nicole's daughter Chloe with her drink, effectively laying directly across my mustardy dog. I had brought a shirt along with me, so I ran to the truck and changed really quick. We had to go back to my house to stain-stick my shirt, and then headed out to his parent's house. When we got there, I decided that the best way to impress them was to dump an entire jar of jalapenoes ALL OVER. All over the counter, all over the floor, all over the stools, all over myself. Yeah. Oh, wait, I'm not done. We then went shooting- my first time, and don't ask me what I shot, I don't know. Well, a .22, but I don't know anything other than that. Anyway, I had to pee- I know, you're shocked- so I went a ways into the woods and squatted. And peed all over my pant leg. To cover it up, I "fell" into the river. Twenty minutes later, I REALLY fell in the river. By the time we got back to his parent's house, I looked like a crazy, uncivilized banchee woman.

Regardless, we continued to move forward.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trying to keep my heart in check.

I drove away that night, blown away by the evening. I called my roommate. "Are you just NOW leaving?!" I laughed, "Yes. I had a great time." "I GUESS!"

Ok, devious plan time. Mike had said he was going to be at first service, and I was going to be at second. So, what if I tried to intercept him between services. I know, I know, I'm devious. I was also VERY cute that day. :)

My roommate dropped me off, and there he was, dorky Walmart- I mean lovely blue safety vest and all. I hadn't realized that he was doing the safety and security at the River Church, but it sure was perfect for pointing him out to her. I got out of the truck, and walked over to say good morning. His smile was so bright. Have any of you noticed that? His smile just makes you feel like a million bucks. Anyway, I went into service, and of course had to stop and tell all of my Bible study girls how it went. I ended up sitting with Tammie in service. Can I emphasise to you, O patient listener, how difficult it is to listen in church when this person who totally fascinates and intrigues you SITS DIRECTLY ACROSS THE AISLE FROM YOU!?!? Sorry, Pastor Dwight, I didn't hear three words that day. Tammie kept laughing at me, because about once every ten minutes, my chin would tilt to the side and my eyes would face heaven, followed soon after by a physical and mental shake. I waved to him after church, and went to find Jinny for lunch.

We were at Zia, and I proceeded to inform her on the events of the previous evening. We sat there for over an hour, and I just bubbled over with excitement. Checking my phone after leaving, I saw that Mike had called. He had invited me to go out to lunch with him and Ryan and Sommer. I had a small freak out. He wanted me to meet his friends. Ladies, you know what I mean, that's a big deal. To him, it was just a, the more the merrier kind of thing. Now, my plan was to call him on Monday and see if he wanted to go to a movie on Friday. I figured giving it another day would be wise. But he had called, so it was fair game. I called back.

"Hey, sorry I missed your call, I was out to lunch with Jinny."

"That's ok. I just thought if you weren't doing anything."

"But I do want to hang out. Do you want to go to a movie on Friday?"

"Friday- yeah, Friday sounds good. Anything in particular you wanted to see?"

"I really have my heart set on seeing Hannah Montana."

Silence. I was teasing, he had said the night before that he WOULD NOT see that movie.

"Yeah, I'm going to have to pass."

"What?! You don't want to see Hannah Montana?! Mike, I'm so disappointed in you."

I heard him smiling. "Yeah, I know."

"Ok, Friday then."

Friends, I wish I could accurately explain what happened next. Monday dawned bright and clear, one that would make Rogers and Hammerstein burst out in song. I had Disney music playing all morning. I was literally walking on air. Then I went to work.

Ok, HUGE EMOTIONAL PENDULUM SWING. I began doubting. "There is no way this guy really likes you. There is no way this will work out. He was just pretending to listen to you all evening. He didn't really smile that brightly when he saw you at church. Get a grip. It hasn't happened this far, what makes you think that it's going to happen now?" See what happens when we let emotions go, and don't lay it all down at our Daddy's feet?

But even more than all of that, faithful listener, was the longing.

I missed him.

Truly missed him.

How can that be? I tried to scold myself out of it, "Miss him?! You can't miss him! It's been two days! What is your problem?!" But I did, I did miss him. I finally calmed myself down to the point of being able to again say "Jesus, not my will, Your will. Not my way, Your way. Not my time, Your time." I woke up Tuesday in that attitude; it's out of my hands, and in the Author of my life, I will put my trust.

And then he called.

Yeah, I was ok with waiting until Thursday to talk to him about our plans for Friday. He wasn't. We went for a walk after youth group that Wednesday night. Ended up on the swings by the river for over an hour, talking about our families. Broke the touch barrier when he had me feel the scar on his forehead, and I showed him my broken teeth. (A story for another time, perhaps.)

If you are keeping track, we have now had a four hour date, and a three hour date.

Friday, I left after being together for nine hours straight. We met after he got off work, and went out to his parents' house. They were out of town, but I didn't know that before I asked, "So, you're going to throw me in front of that bus, are you?" Well, come on, it's our third date! Don't worry, he waited one whole more week before that happened. Anyway, we went bowling, came back and ate dinner, watched Australia, which wins the award for most slow-mos in a movie, and he showed me his scrapbook from the service. The gloves came off then, and we talked about the relationships we had had in the past. I left at one-thirty in the morning, and don't remember a single minute of that forty minute drive home.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Three hours and two giant blisters later...

We sat on a bench outside Nini's, finally having exhausted ourselves wandering around downtown. We had talked about EVERYTHING. Friends, family, the future, music, movies- we had laughed, joked, questioned, and been intruiged. The cute shoes had effectively worn blisters onto my feet, and I was doing my best to not limp. We sat talking about violence and the loss of innocence- I told you we talked about everything. I was impressed by (and trying not to giggle) the fact that he had gotten righteiously angry over the story of one of my friend's abusive marriage. It took him a few minutes to calm down, but led to this statement: "I'm pretty black and white." to which I answered, "I'm more of a peacock." He burst out laughing, "What!?" "Oh, purples, blues, greens, golds, it's all in there." He laughed some more, "I've never heard anyone discribe themselves that way." By this time, it's 10:40 at night, and we have church in the morning. I needed to say something. "Well, Mike Dombrowski, I can be a lot to take, and I know that about myself. I am open to hanging out again, if you want to, but if not, that's ok too." Hey, sometimes we just need an out. A joint escape clause/self-protection measure. I had had so much fun, but I wasn't about to force someone to do what they did not want to, or feel like they had obligations to uphold. He just chuckled. "I would like to hang out again." Wow, ok, that's unexpected. Great, but unexpected. He still laughs about this. "Why would I have not wanted to hang out again?! Who wouldn't want to?" But remember, dear reader, I had been a lone wolf for a long time. We got up off the bench to head to my car. "Well, I'm glad you didn't believe all of the rumors about me." He laughed, "What rumors?" "I don't know, I'm sure there are some. Who gave you my number?" "Jill. I just called her up and asked."
I'm so glad he did.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Passion Unleashed

"Don't get me started."

Too late, I was already being passionate.

We sat at No Way Jose's, scarffing down the perfect first date food- messy, all over your fingers and face Mexican. We are already starting out by not trying to impress each other. We had been casually chatting up until this point, but once Mike mentioned art, we were done for.

"Don't get me started."

He really should have listened.

Right there is where I distinguish when the "coffee outing" became a date. I started to describe my favorite sculpture, this Nike from the Roman era. I love the way she looks. I think it is better without arms and a head, because it is easier to imagine yourself there. Doesn't it look like she is standing on a cliff, maybe overlooking the sea? What freedom she must feel, standing there, imagining herself as a bird on the wind, diving and soaring on the currents. The salty wind whips her veil thin clothing, and tosses her curly hair, piled high on her head, encircled by gold rope. She is a women of high rank, coming from a family of fortune. Perhaps in her daily life she feels trapped, and this is her one place of escape. This wild edge of the earth, sun-kissed, and plunging down into the rough waves below. When I look at her, I can hear the waves crashing upon the rocky terrain, and the whoosh of the wild grasses that surround her. I feel the wind, and the sun, and the liberation of the moment. I feel like that in my walk with God. Remember Indiana Jones and the Search for the Holy Grail? "Only the leap from the lions head will prove a man's true worth." (Or something like that.) And Indy steps out into the void, merely on faith, because there is no way his mission will continue without passing this test. I feel like that a lot, that God calls me to step into the void, and trust that He will make a way. Anyway, once he said art, I told him about Nike, that was it. I opened up. We talked for over an hour. I watched him repeatedly get passionate in response to our conversation, and then reel himself back in. "What was he doing?" I wondered. "Is he afraid to open up? Lord, just let him feel comfortable with me." Mike suggested we walk down the the Open Shutter photo gallery to check out some of the art in there, I had never been, and it sounded great. After two quick pee breaks (gotta love the bladder), we stood in front of the gallery. It was closed, but the illuminated portraits out front were more than enough. This beautiful print of a mountain scene was displayed in the window. Blue sky, mighty mountain, beautiful aspens glistening in the sunlight. We stood out front, and I got myself lost in the photo. I remember sighing "Doesn't that shade of blue just make you want to cry?"

And the only other thing I remember, is how he had to stop himself from staring at me.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Getting on with it

I was waiting for Mike to post something, but life has been inexplicably busy lately, so he'll have to catch all of you up later. And if you can, everyone call and give him a hard time about it. :) Love you, sweetie.

Now is when the really fairytale begins. I hope you're ready. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine a beautiful place, far, far away, and let yourself get swept there. THAT is where this story begins.

I walked into Starbucks at 7:05pm on April 18th, 2009. Mike stood as I entered, and we greeted each other. We ordered drinks, and I asked how his day was. Something about almost falling off a roof, I think. We got our grande white mocha and venti black tea lemonade, and sat out on the patio in the quickly cooling evening air. The street was full of people, school was still in session, and the tourist season was begining, so there was lots of noise and movement surrounding the crossroads of Main and College.

"So tell me about yourself, Mike Dombrowski." As my women readers probably know, this is a loaded question. I'm devious, remember? I already knew about the divorce, and I wanted to see if he would be open and honest about it. I knew I would not be able to have a relationship with someone who would keep something like that hidden. Friends, maybe, but not in a relationship. I needed to hear it. We didn't have to talk about it, but I needed to hear him admit to it. What is really funny, is you should hear his version of me asking this question. God is so cool. You'll have to wait for that, I guess.

"I'm twenty eight, originally from Pheonix, oldest of three, two sisters, been in the Marines, been to Iraq, (pause) married and divorced. Yeah, that's pretty much it."

There it was. Ok, good. Great. Let's move on.

After about fourty minutes, I started to shiver, and Mike suggested we walk up the street. We continued to casually chat, walking with what appeared to be great purpose up Main. Halfway down, Mike asked if I was hungry, and I said he could probably twist my arm. We ended up at No Way Jose's.

This is where it gets interesting. :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Day Before You (Rascal Flatts)

I had all but given up, on finding the one I could fall into,

The Day Before You.

I was ready to settle for less than love and not much more,

there was no such thing as a dream come true.

But that was all The Day Before You.

Now you're here, and everything's changing,

suddenly life means so much.

I can't wait, to wake up tomorrow and find out this promise is true,

I will never have to go back to

The Day Before You.

In your eyes I see forever,

makes me wish that my life never knew

The Day Before You.

But heaven knows those years without you,

shaping my heart for the day that I found you.

You're the reason for all that I've been through,

And I'm thankful for The Day Before You.

Now you're here, and everything's changing,

suddenly life means so much.

I can't wait, to wake p tomorrow, and find that this promise is true.

I will never have to go back to

The Day Before You.

Was the last day that I ever lived alone.

And I'm never going back, no I'm never going back.

Now you're here, and everything's changing,

suddenly life means so much.

I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and find that this promise is true,

I will never have to go back to

The Day Before You.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"I'd like my damn fairytale!" and other non-Kosher things that come out of my mouth.

I can not adequately tell you all of the preparation that went into me meeting with Mike. No, not that day- although I did take great care in getting ready. (New white suit jacket, bright pink lacy cami, my new dark jeans and cute low-heel, closed-toed, cream Steve Maddens. ;) The years God spent preparing me for that night. Starting with a wonderful family who supports and listens to me. Adding spectacular friends who have walked through life's journey with me, holding my hands and pushing me on. Finishing off with the last two years of my life here in Durango. The two years I spent here were like a life-sucking parasite on me. I hated it. I knew God was doing something in me, and I am only now beginning to see the affects of what He has done. I knew I was going through a refining process. It was too painful to be anything else. Too lonely, too barren a place to be anything else than a divine appointment in the desert. Sometimes God has to get us to the point of being completely stripped down, to the very core of our being, to encourage that new growth in Him. We don't see it clearly, and definitely don't appreciate it as much as we should. I can't tell you the number of times I cried to Karin and Jennifer and my mother about how utterly without hope I was. But God is good, and in those times where the night seems the darkest, and the daylight seems so far away, there, is His Spirit the sweetest. A comforting warmth in the midst of the icy darkness. If you are there right now, in the middle of that inky blackness, I tell you, intrepid soul, hold on. He is there, right where you need Him. Don't give up, don't loose faith, and don't give back the ground you have worked so hard to gain. Hold on.

Anywhat- oh, yeah, I say anywhat now, because anywho has been done to death- anywhat, the road was long to that night in April. I had "joked" in the past that my next relationship had to be the "ONE", because I had had every kind of relationship you could have. The unrequited love, the young love, the first boy-girl relationship including holding hands, the guy from summer camp that cheats on you and doesn't tell you, the guy you go out with because he buys you stuff, and the guy that truly breaks your heart. I had, without really saying it, told God "No more, until he's the one." I'm not a girl that dates for fun. I think that is just a waste of time, emotion, and chocolate. I have wanted to be a wife since I was 10, and a mom since I was 12. I was done playing any kind of game. I wanted His best, no matter what. And I wasn't willing to sacrifice.

Now, let me just say right now, that was not always easy. I have gotten plenty of weird looks from women; married or single, inexperienced or veteran, young or otherwise, hopeless romantics or hopeless realists, it didn't matter. The minute I open my mouth and share what I want out of a marriage, and what I think a marriage can truly look like, I get one of two responses. The ones who sigh, "Yeah, that'd be nice." Or the ones who inwardly scoff, and say, "Good luck with that." Either are discouraging, and neither are hopeful. Yet, I endured. I held onto my vision, not really knowing if I'd ever find it, but not willing to let it go. Sometimes, some things are too important. If you have let go of your vision, pushed it to the wayside, decided the road to it was too hard or too painful, you can go back. Jesus, in His divine mercy and grace, ever reaches out to us, offering that freedom of walking with Him. His yolk is not heavy, and His burdens are light. I had to get to a point in my walk with Him, as well as in my love life, where I put my foot down, and turned my back on the past. Pursue Him until he gives you a reason to walk away. He won't ever give you one.

Well, thanks for sticking with me, this really is about the day I got ready to meet Mike. I just choose to see it as more involved and messy than most people would. I did get ready that afternoon, and as I showered and plucked, primped and preened, I prayed. "Lord, whatever. Whatever You want. I could really use a guy friend, I've been missing those. But if this is supposed to be more, it is going to be in Your hands, Your timing, Your will. I want what You want. Please just let him be comfortable around me. That's all I want. I don't know where he's at, but please just let us be comfortable with each other." How profound that prayer was, looking back. Sometimes the small and simple ones mean the most.

I'm devious. All girls are, but in their own, uniquely devious way. I am terrible devious. I had decided that I was going to be late. Hey, for those of you who know me, being late is not a shocking thing, I'm always late. Being late is being on time. But this time, I planned for it. I would leave 5 minutes late, just to make him sweat. At 6:50, I decided this was a terrible plan, but it was too late. By the time I drove across town, through Saturday evening traffic, and found a place to park, I was right on schedule. I arrived, promptly at 7:05pm, and not a minute later.

I'll never forget that sight, walking up Main towards Starbucks. It was staying lighter longer, as our weird winter/spring gave way to our spring/summer, and the sun was still peaking over the buildings across the street. Enough to give a warm glow to the young man sitting in the chairs by the window, who by this time is a little peeved that I am "late". No one ever told him that when a woman arrives, that makes her on time. ;) But when he looked out the window and saw me, I could tell there was no aggravation in his demeanor. He stood up smiling, making me feel totally out of place, in his black fleece and t-shirt, over jeans and Sketchers. Oh well, so I'm over dressed. He'll get used to that. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"A man may make plans, but the Lord directs his steps."

So I send him a message back:

"Sure! Let me know when will work for you this week."

Ok, he figured out a way to contact me, we're good. Tuesday morning, I'm headed to class when I get a phone call. It's a deep male voice with a number I don't recoginze. My guard is immediatley up. "This is Mike Dombrowski." "Oh! Hi!" Ok, good, nothing to fear. Except, I didn't give him my number.

Oh yeah, he's tracked it down. I immediately thought of Megan, but she claimed innocence when I called her. The real culprit? Jill. Yes, thank you Jill for handing out my number to every one that asks. ;) Just kidding, it was fine. I laugh about it now, just thinking of all of the ways that God's plan might have gotten derailed. What if he hadn't spoken up? What if I hadn't gone with my gut reaction? What if we hadn't been open? What if we hadn't choosen to let ourselves get swept away? But I'm getting ahead of myself again.

We make plans for Saturday. I'm helping some girls get ready for prom that afternoon, but I will sneak away with just enough time to get ready and go. That week was torture. I tried to keep my mind off of it again. Why do I keep wondering what he drives? What kind of cologne he wears? Where he works? Would I run into him at the store? I keep telling myself to stop it, to give it to God and let Him take care of it. But do I listen? No way. So I keep thinking and wondering, and then mentally shaking myself all week. He calls on Friday to make sure our plans are set. "Do you still want to do coffee, or do you want to do something else? Dinner?" Ok, so he wants to do more, coffee was just a safe place to start. Well, I'm still not sure about this whole thing, so: "How about if we meet at Starbucks and if we're hungry, we can walk down the street." Worst suggestion to make when you are already planning on wearing the cute shoes instead of the comfortable ones. Don't do it, just don't do it. Let's just see what the Almighty has in store, shall we?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bible Study girls are the best source of information...

So Bible Study.

Ok, that week was a joint birthday party for Nicole and me, so in the middle of pigging out on cupcakes and wearing tiaras, I looked at Megan:

"Um, I have something I want to talk to you guys about."
"Is it a boy?"
"Um, I want to talk to everyone together."

So they did. I was sitting on the couch next to Megan, with Nicole slyly smiling at me from the other couch, full of glee because she already knew. "Um, I got asked out on a coffee date."

Enter the hysterics.

"BY WHO!?"

"Um, I think his name was Mike."


"Um, I don't know, maybe."

Megan, by this point, is hyperventilating.

"WE NEED FACEBOOK!" So now, the six of us are Facebook stalking him.

"Is that him!?" "Yes." "OH MY GOSH!" Hysterics continue for a while.

Needless to say, the information central that was Bible Study that night, LOVES Mike. Highly favorable, is the description I got from them. Well, ok, I guess we'll have to see.

I spent the next week trying not to let my mind "go there", as we girls tend to do. My sister Danielle came down, we had a fabulous time, and we went back up. I came back Sunday, Easter night, and checked my Facebook Monday morning.

Apparently I was not the only one trying not to think about it.
Mike had sent me a message Easter night:

"My offer stands. I'd still like to take you out for a cup of coffee if you are up for it. Please drop me a line and let me know either way. Peace. -Mike"

Yeah, like I'm going to be the first to call.

The Fairytale Begins

On March 29th, 2009, I met the man of my dreams. I had no idea what God had in store for me that day.

We had a worship night that night, the first one I was actually able to attend. And no, I'm not giving Benjie all of the credit for this, and yes, he is taking it anyway. Benjie and I have chatted numerous times about worship, and our philosophies are very similar. When I mentioned that I have done dance for worship in the past, he immediately was interested in giving me an opportunity to serve my Lord, and my congregation in that way.

It was like riding a bike. I had not danced in almost two years, and I felt it. Just like muscles, our spiritual abilities need to be excersized and stretched on a regular basis. Mine had definately attrophied. It was glorious. In the same way that my muscles would ache the next day, my spirit was stretched, and ached with joy at being put to use again. I felt the touch of His Holy Spirit in every bend, every turn, every move. There is no where I am more alive than there.

I had been in a wasteland, and I knew it. Life was dull. I could tell you the TV schedual for every day of the week, and had a show on every night. Work, school, work, school- the days and weeks stretched on and on, only slightly complemented by church on Sunday, and Bible Study on Tuesdays. But the lonliness. The lonliness was the worst part. Life was turning grey, and for me, that is hell. Little did I know...

After the service, I was making a quick exit, my head full of thoughts (as usual), when a divine appointment happened. I was almost out, unable to bear any conversations with well-meaning attenders who would take what I had done for God and point the light at me. I've been there before, and will not do that again. Anyway, I was almost out, when I heard a deep voice behind me:


I turned around, and there stood a strawberry blonde guy with glasses, someone I had seen before around church, but never really noticed.


He asked me out for coffee. Something about getting together to talk sometime, maybe over coffee. No assumptions, no games, no trying to impress me, not pushy in anyway. Just sincerity. I realized I had been standing there staring at him. I had not been on a date in four and a half years, and not been out for "coffee" in two. I was completely thrown off my guard. And my spaghetti brain was already racing at this point- I'm a woman, what do you expect?- and I took half a millesecond to see how my heart felt. Knee-jerk reaction... yeah, this is ok. Ok, so, schedual... yeah, emotions... check, ok, ready to speak.

"Sure, but not until after Easter." That was two weeks away. No, I'm not a big tease. My birthday was that next weekend, and I was driving up to Greeley to visit my dad, who had just broken his leg, be my mother's sanity for a few hours, and pick up my sister, who was coming to visit for a week, then driving up the next weekend to take her back, and spend Easter with them at home. It was going to be a full two weeks. So don't look at me that way. Anyway-

"Ok, sounds good." "Ok, great, see you then!" And I turned around and walked away. Yep. Left him standing there without giving him my number, or email, or address, or anyway to contact me at all. He couldn't have even sent a courior pigeon or smoke signals, but hey, I was so blown away, I didn't even think about it. Yeah, you can stop laughing now. I walked away, trying to not think about it, because you know how girls are; got into my car, and called my friend Nicole. We made plans for the next day and chatted for a few minutes before I really realized what had happened. "Um, I just got asked out on a coffee date." "WHAT!? By WHO!?" she exclaimed. "Um, I think his name was Mike?" "MIKE DOMBROWSKI!?" "I don't know, maybe." And she became all flustered for a minute. "He's good friends with Megan and Benjie!" "Oh, that's cool." Hey, let's face it, Megan and Benjie are the best, so being friends with them is definately a plus. We met the next day, and chatted about what was to become the topic of my life. We were on our way to Applebee's for drinks and apps, when she said "You know he's divorced." I did not. I didn't know the guy. Well, we had Bible Study the next night, so, I guess we'll get the low down then...

Day One

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" he asks me today, a huge grin on his face, cleaning a rifle in between showering me with kisses. What have we gotten ourselves into? I have been given two minutes- and counting, to start a quick note about why we are starting this. Then he'll be back over here, and no amount of begging will stay the reign of smooches. :)

For those of you who don't know, I met Mike Dombrowski the 29th of March, 2009. I'll get more into that later, but we went on our first date on the 18th of April; or, as he likes to call it, our "completely innocent coffee meeting." But after lasting four hours, I call it a date. And it has been a whirlwind ever since.

God has been the ultimate matchmaker in this one, annointing our every move, our every decision, our every thought. Neither one of us thought we'd be here, life was just not in a place conducive to a realationship- or so we thought. But we are here, and this journey, although short, has His fingerprints (and grin) all over it.

We invite you to join us, read along with our story, and immerse yourself in the Spirit of the Living God, as we share with you each joy and sorrow He has brought us through. This in no where near over, and the best is yet to be. The dance- or chess game, whichever you prefer- has just begun.
