Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Six months!

I'm taking a break in our retrospective story to tell you that on October 18th, 2009, we had our six month anniversary. What a wonderful weekend. God is really challenging us. "Do you really want what it is you say you want? How much are you willing to give up to get what I have to give to you? Do you really want my best, or are you going to keep the status quo? Do you want more than that? Do you want excellence? Do you want extraordinary?" The answer, dear friends, is yes, but that doesn't make it any easier. Trials and temptations rear their ugly heads constantly, and we are not immune to their pull.

Jesus, give us strength.

Don't let us be complacent, but teach us to be content with where you have us.

The great thing is, we talk about everything. Finances, missunderstandings, how we are going to face challenges in our faith, with our kids, in every area of life- all of those things that come between couples and become destructive to relationship, we talk about. Marriage is the most powerful earthly relationship, and the forces working against every aspect of it are overwhelming and relentless. The best thing you can do for your other half is to take them to the foot of the cross, into the very throne room of the Almighty, and place them at His feet.

As I write this, I am listening to my Wedding Playlist, glancing at the new bridal magazines on the counter next to me, and have another tab pulled up on my browser with reception hall ideas.

It's coming, don't worry. For reasons that we don't understand and are completely frustrating, we wait. We are so ready, dear friends. I am so ready. To give my life, my past, my future, my whole being, every part, to this wonderful man of God- I can not wait. He is God's best for me.

Lord, I trust You in all things, and I know You have a plan for us. One that we cannot even fathom. You are abundantly good, perfect in all things. I thank you for holding us in Your hands, and directing our steps. We don't want to take one step without You. Thank You for this amazing man who takes my breath away. You are too wonderful for words. Love you, Jesus.


Miss. Jinny said...

Wow 6 months already time had flown by I can remember when you told us that he asked you out at small group and all the times you showed up late because you where with him lol! Oh memorize! :)
