Monday, October 5, 2009

It's a funny thing...

I was hooked.


After that, we saw each other everyday, at least once. I went with him to Sommer's birthday party, our first "outing". :)

It was funny, we had all of these mutual friends, or at least accuantances, but had never met. We walked in the Randol's house- and met the gauntlet. It was frightening and hilarious at the same time. I walked down the line, "Hi, I'm Sarah. Hi, I'm Sarah. Hi, I'm Sarah." No one beat me, threatened me, or hassled me past that- but they were all watching. Jen told me later, "It was a good thing you didn't look out the window at the house- we were all pressed up against the window: "Who is that? Who's with him?"" It was great.

Now, for those of you who were not around during this period of time, you should know: We've moved fast. Going to work everyday, I met a semi-circle of girls going, "What happened today!?!?" I was the store soap opera. Which was fine with me, because there was always something to say, and an excellent chance to share with these girls about a real, true, wonderful man. Most of them have not had great dads, let alone met with guys who are honorable, and been treated honorably. At this point, we were just hanging out, even if it was every day. Again, when I take my life into my own hands, it quickly becomes a pile of ashes. So I chose, every day, to give it back to God. His way, was the only way I wanted to be walking in, and the only way this was going to work. I met more and more of his friends, and he met some of mine.

As I type this, I'm trying to figure out what to say next. He's sitting across the room, trying to recall what else we did during that time. It is all one big happy blur. Not much sleep, and plenty of being "twitterpaitted", as Big Jim would say.

Oh, here we go. I met his sister Amber the weekend after Sommer's birthday. What a doll. He introduced us, and I put my stuff down on one of the church chairs as we talked. He immediately- "Well, aren't you going to sit with us?" Um, yeah, so, I had been trying to keep us on the down low. Not because I was ashamed or anything like that, but you know how churches are. One careless look across the room, and suddenly you are married with three kids and a dog. Word travels fast. Were we ready to be the new "Ben and Kelly"? ;) But I figured if he didn't mind, then neither did I. We went out to lunch with Amber and just chatted. Mike said three words the whole time. I had so much fun. Not because he didn't talk, because Amber is great. Anyway, the next weekend after that I met his parents. That's a fun story.

So we were at church, and in the middle of second service, I dribbled cranberry juice down the front of my white top. Before I had to get back on stage and sing. After church we stopped at my house to change, and went to the intro to kickball season BBQ. As we sat eating hotdogs, I leaned across the table to help Nicole's daughter Chloe with her drink, effectively laying directly across my mustardy dog. I had brought a shirt along with me, so I ran to the truck and changed really quick. We had to go back to my house to stain-stick my shirt, and then headed out to his parent's house. When we got there, I decided that the best way to impress them was to dump an entire jar of jalapenoes ALL OVER. All over the counter, all over the floor, all over the stools, all over myself. Yeah. Oh, wait, I'm not done. We then went shooting- my first time, and don't ask me what I shot, I don't know. Well, a .22, but I don't know anything other than that. Anyway, I had to pee- I know, you're shocked- so I went a ways into the woods and squatted. And peed all over my pant leg. To cover it up, I "fell" into the river. Twenty minutes later, I REALLY fell in the river. By the time we got back to his parent's house, I looked like a crazy, uncivilized banchee woman.

Regardless, we continued to move forward.


Unknown said...

What no one else has obviously told you is that, before Sommer's party, we spent a good week asking each other, "Is SHE coming?" Yes, yes, the group was already plotting!

Jill said...

I love how you spill everything...that's hilarious! Good story. Keep it comin'!

Mike, Sarah, and Josh Dombrowski said...

That is so funny! I did not know that! What's fun is to keep hearing more and more from other people's perspectives! Thanks girls!
