Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Passion Unleashed

"Don't get me started."

Too late, I was already being passionate.

We sat at No Way Jose's, scarffing down the perfect first date food- messy, all over your fingers and face Mexican. We are already starting out by not trying to impress each other. We had been casually chatting up until this point, but once Mike mentioned art, we were done for.

"Don't get me started."

He really should have listened.

Right there is where I distinguish when the "coffee outing" became a date. I started to describe my favorite sculpture, this Nike from the Roman era. I love the way she looks. I think it is better without arms and a head, because it is easier to imagine yourself there. Doesn't it look like she is standing on a cliff, maybe overlooking the sea? What freedom she must feel, standing there, imagining herself as a bird on the wind, diving and soaring on the currents. The salty wind whips her veil thin clothing, and tosses her curly hair, piled high on her head, encircled by gold rope. She is a women of high rank, coming from a family of fortune. Perhaps in her daily life she feels trapped, and this is her one place of escape. This wild edge of the earth, sun-kissed, and plunging down into the rough waves below. When I look at her, I can hear the waves crashing upon the rocky terrain, and the whoosh of the wild grasses that surround her. I feel the wind, and the sun, and the liberation of the moment. I feel like that in my walk with God. Remember Indiana Jones and the Search for the Holy Grail? "Only the leap from the lions head will prove a man's true worth." (Or something like that.) And Indy steps out into the void, merely on faith, because there is no way his mission will continue without passing this test. I feel like that a lot, that God calls me to step into the void, and trust that He will make a way. Anyway, once he said art, I told him about Nike, that was it. I opened up. We talked for over an hour. I watched him repeatedly get passionate in response to our conversation, and then reel himself back in. "What was he doing?" I wondered. "Is he afraid to open up? Lord, just let him feel comfortable with me." Mike suggested we walk down the the Open Shutter photo gallery to check out some of the art in there, I had never been, and it sounded great. After two quick pee breaks (gotta love the bladder), we stood in front of the gallery. It was closed, but the illuminated portraits out front were more than enough. This beautiful print of a mountain scene was displayed in the window. Blue sky, mighty mountain, beautiful aspens glistening in the sunlight. We stood out front, and I got myself lost in the photo. I remember sighing "Doesn't that shade of blue just make you want to cry?"

And the only other thing I remember, is how he had to stop himself from staring at me.

