Monday, August 17, 2009

The Fairytale Begins

On March 29th, 2009, I met the man of my dreams. I had no idea what God had in store for me that day.

We had a worship night that night, the first one I was actually able to attend. And no, I'm not giving Benjie all of the credit for this, and yes, he is taking it anyway. Benjie and I have chatted numerous times about worship, and our philosophies are very similar. When I mentioned that I have done dance for worship in the past, he immediately was interested in giving me an opportunity to serve my Lord, and my congregation in that way.

It was like riding a bike. I had not danced in almost two years, and I felt it. Just like muscles, our spiritual abilities need to be excersized and stretched on a regular basis. Mine had definately attrophied. It was glorious. In the same way that my muscles would ache the next day, my spirit was stretched, and ached with joy at being put to use again. I felt the touch of His Holy Spirit in every bend, every turn, every move. There is no where I am more alive than there.

I had been in a wasteland, and I knew it. Life was dull. I could tell you the TV schedual for every day of the week, and had a show on every night. Work, school, work, school- the days and weeks stretched on and on, only slightly complemented by church on Sunday, and Bible Study on Tuesdays. But the lonliness. The lonliness was the worst part. Life was turning grey, and for me, that is hell. Little did I know...

After the service, I was making a quick exit, my head full of thoughts (as usual), when a divine appointment happened. I was almost out, unable to bear any conversations with well-meaning attenders who would take what I had done for God and point the light at me. I've been there before, and will not do that again. Anyway, I was almost out, when I heard a deep voice behind me:


I turned around, and there stood a strawberry blonde guy with glasses, someone I had seen before around church, but never really noticed.


He asked me out for coffee. Something about getting together to talk sometime, maybe over coffee. No assumptions, no games, no trying to impress me, not pushy in anyway. Just sincerity. I realized I had been standing there staring at him. I had not been on a date in four and a half years, and not been out for "coffee" in two. I was completely thrown off my guard. And my spaghetti brain was already racing at this point- I'm a woman, what do you expect?- and I took half a millesecond to see how my heart felt. Knee-jerk reaction... yeah, this is ok. Ok, so, schedual... yeah, emotions... check, ok, ready to speak.

"Sure, but not until after Easter." That was two weeks away. No, I'm not a big tease. My birthday was that next weekend, and I was driving up to Greeley to visit my dad, who had just broken his leg, be my mother's sanity for a few hours, and pick up my sister, who was coming to visit for a week, then driving up the next weekend to take her back, and spend Easter with them at home. It was going to be a full two weeks. So don't look at me that way. Anyway-

"Ok, sounds good." "Ok, great, see you then!" And I turned around and walked away. Yep. Left him standing there without giving him my number, or email, or address, or anyway to contact me at all. He couldn't have even sent a courior pigeon or smoke signals, but hey, I was so blown away, I didn't even think about it. Yeah, you can stop laughing now. I walked away, trying to not think about it, because you know how girls are; got into my car, and called my friend Nicole. We made plans for the next day and chatted for a few minutes before I really realized what had happened. "Um, I just got asked out on a coffee date." "WHAT!? By WHO!?" she exclaimed. "Um, I think his name was Mike?" "MIKE DOMBROWSKI!?" "I don't know, maybe." And she became all flustered for a minute. "He's good friends with Megan and Benjie!" "Oh, that's cool." Hey, let's face it, Megan and Benjie are the best, so being friends with them is definately a plus. We met the next day, and chatted about what was to become the topic of my life. We were on our way to Applebee's for drinks and apps, when she said "You know he's divorced." I did not. I didn't know the guy. Well, we had Bible Study the next night, so, I guess we'll get the low down then...

