Thursday, October 8, 2009

We are all here of our own free will...

So, pretty early on, we had a night where we went for a walk on the river trail. It was after youth group, and they had done ice cream at Baskin Robins, so I met him there. We left my car in the parking lot and took his down to the north side of town. We were talking, walking behind the highschool, when Mike tried to steer me away from the sprinklers that were encroaching upon the side walk. I stopped, staring up the hill at them. "That looks fun." I ran directly up the hill through the freezing water. Mike watched me, shaking his head at my crazy. "Aren't you coming in?" "No thanks, I'm good." He he he. Yeah. I stuck my hands into the spray, sending the stream of icy water straight at him. Bullseye. He cried out, and immediately ran up the hill at me. I started running, which was comical, because I was in crocs, and he was in sketchers. We are both running, just trying to stay upright in the slippery grass. He scoops me up and swings me around, me laugh/screaming the whole time. He was laughing; "Someone is going to call the cops if I keep screaming like this," I laughed. We walked on, across bridges and under the trees. Across town, there was a second sprinkler incedent. Well, after the first one, it was FAR too tempting to pass up. I tried to push him in, and, although he wanted to play, hesitated. "I don't want to piss you off." "You won't." Mike didn't need to be told twice. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and used me as a human body shield as he ran through the spray. He put me down right as a cop drove by. We were laughing, "That'd be good, 'Really, Officer, I'm not kidnapping her!'" "'Yes I'm armed, but everything's ok!'" "'Um, so, Hi Mr. Dombrowski, Mike needs to be picked up at the jail. So, how are you?'" We laughed and talked, walked and shared. And I began to freeze my butt off. We got back to the car, and drove back to the Baskin Robins parking lot to pick up my car. However, when we got there, we were having such a great time talking, that we sat there for over an hour. I watched a cop drive past, turn in, and park behind us. Uh oh. We DID bond over how we have terrible luck with cops. Sure enough, he walked up and knocked on the window. Of all the cars he could have been checking on... He picks the one discussing how, if we won a million dollars, we would pay our parent's mortages and start a huge missionary fund. The cop asks how we are, what we're doing, if we've seen any thing going on around us. We said we're fine, that we're just talking, and that it's been pretty quiet. He shines his light in the back of the car, and Mike asks if he can help him in any way. The guy says no, but still isn't leaving. Not even realizing it, I am curled into a ball on the seat. I was still soaking wet, and Mike's leather seats were not helping, so I had, without realizing it, curled into the fetal position. The cop, just as if he was talking about the weather, very nochalant, asks
"And we're all here of our own free will?"
Mike let me answer. "Yes."
"And we can all leave when we want?"
I fielded that one too. "Yes."
He asked where my car was, and I pointed to the spot next to us.
"Ok, have a good night then." "You too, officer."

We are laughing so hard. Literally of all the cars that needed to be checked on that night, he found the least necesary, and the one most accidentally suspicious. It was hilarious. So when we planned the wedding, we had to include it.

"We are gathered here today, of our own free will..."
Thanks Mark.
And thank you too, Officer. You both made our wedding day memorable.

