This may become a regular instalment for the blog, because I wonder some weird stuff. Mike will just look at me sometimes, like, "Really?!" :) That's ok. It makes him laugh. But sometimes, you just have to wonder...
Does where you were conceived play a part in your personality?
Ok, go with me on this one. They say that there are all sorts of factors in life that dictate who you are and what you are like. Birth order, how many siblings, early trumatic experiences, a loving family, a broken family, living in the city, living in the country, small school, big school, what kinds of foods were available, financial status, educational quality and quantity- and that is just the NATURE part of that. What about the nurture? Blue eyes, brown eyes, blonde hair, black hair, curly hair, straight hair, long fingers, long toes, being short and squatty, being the girl from Ipanema, being susceptable to liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, ect. ect. ect!
And I believe that names also play a huge part in who you are. If your feminine name means "great gray battleship", how likely are you to feel that you embody femine beauty? If your masculine name means "coward", how would you ever see yourself as the divine right-warrior you are?
So if all those things make a difference, couldn't where you were concieved play a part? If your child is concieved while camping, will they love the wilderness? If you get "friendly" at your mother-in-law's house, will that child be very quiet? If you make whoopie in a more public place, will that child be a tad on the naughty side, but full of passion? I'm sure you're laughing by now, but think about it- should prospective (or accidental) parents play it safe and never leave their bedroom, so they have nice, normal, slightly boring, but no trouble at all children? Hey, I've never had to think about this stuff before, but now that we're married- I mean, it's got to cross your mind!
I married Mike: the oldest of three, the only boy, strawberry blonde hair, blue green eyes, with glasses, grew up in a very LARGE city, went to a very LARGE school, had a VERY close, very large extended family, the only Christian, with an athletic build, dog lover, finished high school, has had some college, been in the Marines, named after his father, traveled the world, been a firefighter, been in war, extremely masculine man who likes to dissapear into the wilderness for days with a Bible and a gun.
So all in all, this oldest child of three girls, ash-blonde, straight haired, blue eyed, very loved daughter, brought up in a stable Christian home with both parents, in a small town, in a small school, in a middle-class neighborhood, with a dog, danced for years, graduated high school, almost through college, brought up on fruit, chicken, garlic, and pasta, been out of the country once (but it was half way across the world), with relatively close relatives, closer to short and squatty than an underwear model, has to watch out for breast cancer and high blood pressure/cholesterol, dance lover, named "Princess", and after her great grandmother, who apparently was a really amazing lady, extreme girly-girl who thinks roughing it is a Motel 6 (DEEP BREATH), has to ask herself:
What are our children going to be like? :)
It's going to be wild.
Brotherly love. Or something like it.
9 years ago
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