These aren't those pointless, "If a tree falls in a forest" kind of museings. This is some deep and meaningful stuff!
If the universe is still expanding, is God still creating?
How do octopuses' tentacles not get stuck to themselves?
Why would any one eat durian? Have you smelled that stuff? Smells like raw onions and garlic, only worse. It's outlawed in hotels and apartments because it stinks so bad! What guy was first like, "Ooo! That'd be good to eat!"
Or ants? Why (and how) would you choose to eat ants?
Why did God create mosquitoes? Can you think of a less helpful or more harmful insect?
What did "leviathans" actually look like?
What did the giants of the old testiment look like? Were they like seven, or 30 feet tall?
If you were in Back to the Future, would you do the right thing and try to get the book back? Would you teach your dad to punch somebody's lights out?
If Madona is right, and "we only got 4 minutes to save the world", why is the song over 4 minutes long?
Are archeologists full of crap, or was everything in the ancient world really "ceremonial"? How did they have time for anything else?
If we can put a man on the moon, why haven't we discovered a better way to test for breast cancer than mamograms? Surely we have the technology!
If we have "best" friends, shouldn't we have "worst" friends? Why don't they make matching necklaces for that?
Does God ever laugh at us? If I were Him, I'd do a lot of laughing!
Why is an apostrophe this big: ' , and yet the word is huge?
Hey, I was just wondering! What have you been wondering?
Brotherly love. Or something like it.
9 years ago
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