Really, when the thought strikes you, sometimes you just have to let your mind wander...
What will our kids be like?
Did Daisy Duke LIKE Daisy Dukes?
And why couldn't any of the Dukes clap on beat? Have you noticed that?
How did God come up with so many cool colors for birds and fish?
Am I bleeding out all of the cute babies every month, and when it's time to have kids, I'll only have ugly ones left?
Who thought of the name "hippopotomus"? Were they like, "Let's name this something that won't make any sense at all!"? Was it really a practical joke gone awry?
How do you get the job of naming towns? I think they should rotate that job more often. I've seen the town "No Name, Colorado". Did that guy get fired?
What if, when you crop a picture, and you cut someone's arm or leg, voodoo were to happen? You'd hear three days later that your friend from your birthday party randomly was admitted to the hospital for an unexplainable massive loss of blood! Would that be a sin? Would God punish you for that?
Will we recongnize ourselves in a mirror in heaven?
If God is infinitely creative, does that mean it is practically impossible for life not to exist on other planets?
Will we recognize THEM in heaven?
How does my husband put up with me?
What if we all really lived in a yellow submarine? I haven't seen any portholes...
What do you wonder?
Brotherly love. Or something like it.
9 years ago
ROFL!!! Thanks - I needed that this morning!
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