Thursday, August 19, 2010

You know what I love?

Mike. I know, your shocked. :)

But what about him am I specifically referring to today? His crazy brain. Mike is definitely a single tree kind of guy, whereas I am the whole forest picture person. He crunches numbers, expertly finagling our finances repeatedly in order to benefit us better. Math makes me throw up. He can take apart and put back together (almost) any gun on earth, and does so frequently in the middle of my living room. The thought of all those intricate parts gives me a headache. And he can remember all the rules and strategies he's read about and figured out for a number of video and computer games (Lucky me). If it's more complicated than Candy Land, I want no part of it.

But that's what is so great about it. Even though the application of those neurotic behaviors drives me to drinking, the ability and mastery of them amazes me. He reads up on his interests constantly, giving him a lot of wisdom and knowledge on them, both general and specific. He is able to converse with a wide range of people, and impart his knowledge of a subject on to them. I love his diligence and one track mindedness, because he actually gets things done! Whereas I flit from job to job, getting them all done, just in a very haphazard way.

He's crazy. And I love him. I wouldn't trade the partner God gave me for anything in the world. I'd be pretty lost without him. :)

