Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sometimes I wonder...

"Imagination... is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Albert Einstein

So there! :)

Why on earth do they make the words in the little boxes that you have to type as a safety guarantee- not real words? "Nibit" "smaliline" "guaraw" "Havive" What? And what do those boxes really protect against?

How do they get fireworks to make shapes? Like hearts, stars, planets, things like that? Why did they not offer that internship at job fair?

What is the psychology behind Facebook games- and why can I not stop playing them?!

Why did that stupid novel I picked up from the library this week on Alexander the Great ONLY want to talk about homosexuality? Ok, I get it, it was a part of the culture. MOVE ON! The guy conquered all of the known world, and into the unknown- larger than the Romans ever did, and there was NOTHING else you could talk about for a book?! Really?

Why are colleges so bureaucratic- and for that matter, how did I not know what that word meant before Mike, and why can I not stop saying it now?

How is my sink filled to overflowing with dirty dishes- AGAIN?!

How do dreams really work? I had a dream last night that it was our wedding, but the only thing that was the same was the clothes we were wearing. It was in the old church building we were in when I was a child. Tiff was there, and Shannon's daughter Emmy, and my family and Mike's family. Last week, I had a dream that it was my birthday and everyone was singing to me. I was naked. My naked dreams never freak me out, more like, "Um, I should probably take care of this."

Why do none of the people in my naked dreams realize I'm naked? That's almost worse!

How am I going to get through this EGC class? Social Change in Action, what do you think that is? Wrong. It is the study of oppressed cultures and we have to ACT OUT ON STAGE how to solve those social problems. Yeah.

What do you wonder?

