Let's meet the rest of the family, shall we?
Oh yeah, that's Danielle. The three of us joke that I was practice, Rachel was perfection, and Danielle was just for laughs. My parents maintain that they already had one for dishes and one for laundry, so Danielle was for the rest of the housework. Danielle definitely brings laughter to the house. She is one of the most fun people you will ever meet. Witty, goofy, and too smart for her own good, she is a fireball. Danielle, like most youngests, was the: "I do what I want" child. While Rachel and I played house, Danielle read. While Rachel and I played Barbies, Danielle was pushing trucks around. We have this great picture of the three of us on Christmas morning in front of the tree when Danielle was about two. Rachel and I are happy and excited. Danielle is bawling because I'm holding her still for the picture.
Danielle was usually the quiet one, which was the natural place for her to fall after having ME AND RACHEL. We- especially me- were the talkers. Even today, I won't hesitate to tell you how I feel, Rachel, you can eventually drag it out of, but Danielle plays her cards pretty close to her chest. Aren't those usually the ones really worth getting to know?
The most athletic of the three of us, Danielle has played tee-ball, soccer, and tried dance (and had an embarrassing experience) before finding her niche: KA-RA-TE! I thought us dancers went through some grueling training! The fact that she hasn't actually broken something or had a knee replacement yet is astounding. Her body definitely doesn't appreciate some of the work they go through, but she loves it. She is, without question, the toughest of the three of us. Guys Rachel's age used to say I was scary, but they knew Danielle had the muscle to back up a threat. She gets her black belt this August, and we are so proud of her!
Danielle was infinitely blessed with a wonderful group of friends through high school, and as she transitions into college this fall, I pray God blesses her again. Slower to make friends, because she's cautious about who she surrounds herself with (thank God), Danielle LOVES people. (Noticing a family pattern?) She will be the first to high five you on a job well done, and the first to hug you if you're having a bad day. She is super sarcastic, and loves to tease, but doesn't mean anything by it. And beware egging her on or starting something- she is smart as a whip, and isn't afraid to put you in your place!
This smarter-than-the-average-bear girl is headed to college in the fall, and at the moment has her heart set on something history related. I told her that she doesn't need to know exactly what she wants to do yet, but that she should try a little bit of everything. There is no sense in declaring an astronaut major and paying for three years of classes, to change to underwater basket weaving because you realized you don't like space. Better to take things slow, and just experience. No matter what she does, she will excel and succeed. She can't help but do so!
Danielle is in the process of discovering who she is. God has had her go through a few heart breaking things in her life, and she is learning the meaning of Jesus as her Savior AND her friend. She is discovering her feminine heart, which is deep and beautiful to the core. Not exactly the girliest, girly girl, Danielle is finding her place among the other members of "THE CLUB" (and by that I mean grown women). She is caring and merciful, devoted and fiercely protective, a hard worker and loving. She will make some guy very, very happy (and busy) one day.
My favorite thing about Danielle is that she is sentimental. Her room is full of mementos, and she loves pictures. Crossing the line into pack rats is also a family trait. Mike tells me often that she could do anything, and he is quickly becoming her biggest fan. She's rather fond of him too. I am so blessed to have her as a sister, and I am looking forward to her coming to visit us in just a few days!
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